Ethics In Naples Government – VOTE YES or NO

Want Strong Ethics In Naples Government? – VOTE YES or NO?

If you are a Naples voter – and rent or own property in Naples — you have a vital stake in making sure that Naples government is conducted with high ethical standards. 

Citizens For Preserving Naples (CPN) recently wrote you asking you to sign a Petition to place a strong Ethics Charter Amendment on the February 6, 2018 City Election.  The Ethics Petition form is again enclosed with this letter and we ask you to sign it and send it into Ethics Naples, P.O. BOX 7249 NAPLES, FL 34101.

Is Yours a NO VOTE?  Like many email solicitations, the easy response this message is to hit the delete button.  But before you do, consider what a NO vote on Ethics Naples Charter Amendment means.  By choosing to delete this message — and not signing and sending in the Petition —  you are essentially casting a NO VOTE and ensuring that a strong Ethics Charter Amendment will not be on the February 6, 2018 ballot.  By not signing and sending in the Petition, you are choosing — by default — to leave Naples without a strong ethics code and strong ethics enforcement.


 see the ETHICS NAPLES website at