The Vision: Back to the Future
City forefathers have long recognized the critical importance of enforcing zoning regulations in preserving the charm and character of Naples.
“Wise and rigidly enforced zoning regulations, as well as a remarkable community spirit, have protected Naples from the pitfalls into which some Florida resort communities have fallen.”
Why Get Involved?
Naples is at an Important Juncture
We can appreciate the role development has and can be expected to play in moving Naples forward, we feel it is critical, however, that development be accomplished consistent with the city of Naples 2021 Vision and Comprehensive Plans, the City of Naples Charter and Land Development Codes.
In recent years several projects have been approved which involve major variances, deviations and/or concessions --- all of which represent substantial financial benefit accruing to the developer while the benefit to the community is has been far less certain.
Overall there has been substantial erosion in the integrity of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development (Zoning) codes. And we are concerned that the cost of the infrastructure to support development has not been adequately accounted for.
Stormwater management represents a huge—and very costly-- challenge for the city of Naples. Many of the lakes in the city of Naples which are an integral part of the stormwater management system require substantial and costly mitigation and Naples Bay for many years has considered impaired by the State of Florida due to excessive nutrients, bacteria, and heavy metals – attributable to excessive stormwater runoff.
Stormwater beach outflows have also been recognized as a concern for many years—for several reasons including (according to staff) poor water quality, accelerated beach erosion, frequent maintenance and flooding of Gulf Shore Boulevard. And what is not commonly known is that several years ago the Florida Department of Environmental Protection alerted the City of Naples that it would withhold the issuing of a beach renourishment permit unless the City developed a plan to remove them. Kudos to the council elected in 2020 for addressing these critical issues which have been “kicked down the road” for many years.
The Planning Department is responsible for the City of Naples Comprehensive Plan, as well as the review process (and making recommendations to the Planning Advisory Board and City Council) for granting zoning variances, planned developments, rezone requests and other land-use issues.
The City of Naples Planning Department is located at 295 Riverside Circle, just south of the Police Department. Erica Martin, Director of Planning and the Planning Staff can be reached by phone at 239-213-1050, or by fax at 239-213-1045 or by email.
Zoning Map – to find the zoning, setbacks, height, permitted and conditional uses of a specific property enter the address (example - 555 5th Ave S), click on the property and then click on "view pdf" for the zoning district standards.
The following reference materials are available on the City of Naples web site at
B. Neighborhood Associations
C. Community/Business Organizations