Use this form to provide public comment on the Modified Vision Statement for the Naples Vision. Your comments regarding the Modified Vision Statement will be read into the record at the May 4, 2020 City Council Workshop Time-Certain at 1p.m.
Modified Vision Statement
The enduring character of Naples reflects our commitment to protect and enhance the natural environment, and to preserve our small town feel and charm. Together, these features sustain economic vitality. Residents place a high value on our town’s unique ‘sense of place’, natural beauty, quality of life, healthy economy, and ethical government; and, actively engage and promote them.
Developing the Vision Statement is a key component of a vision work plan. Once a vision statement is confirmed, strategic priorities from City Council will need to be confirmed. This action relates to our Vision Goals:
Preserve Naples’ distinctive small-town character and culture.
Make Naples the green jewel of Southwest Florida by protecting the natural environment through restoring Naples Bay, promoting community sustainability, and establishing more greenspace.
Maintain an extraordinary quality of life for residents through improving City amenities for residents, enhancing community health, mobility and public safety.
Strengthen the economic health and vitality of the City by maintaining the viability of local businesses.
Maintain and enhance governance capacity for public service and leadership through enacting strategies to ensure a well-run local government and providing leadership on larger issues that impact the quality and future of Naples.