Beach Outfall Project: Add-on Components Imperil The Beauty Of Iconic Gulf Shore Boulevard
So, how did the City of Naples’ beach outfall removal and stormwater project evolve to include wider
sidewalks and 8 feet of bike lanes? City staff have been tasked to explain these extraneous and costly
add-ons at a February 18 workshop to be held at City Hall.
The City of Naples’ project to clean up stormwater discharged to the Gulf of Mexico is long overdue. We
all agree. But it has morphed into other components that will radically alter the charm and character of
Naples. As an adjunct to installing a stormwater trunk line along Gulf Shore Boulevard (GSB), the City is
considering a proposal to widen GSB to install up to 8 feet of bike lanes and a 3-foot wider sidewalk, and
to replace a waterline, all in order to subsidize the costs of installing these components. These extra
projects are unnecessary. More importantly, they change the charm and character of GSB by destroying
specimen trees, mature hedges, flowering plants and landscaping.
This destruction of landscaping poses a threat not only for the one-mile stretch of GSB where the storm
water trunk line is to be installed (i.e., from South Golf Drive to 2nd Avenue South), but serves as an
adverse precedent for any section of GSB where a waterline may be replaced, including sections of GSB
leading through the Historic District to the Pier. We cannot let this happen.
Just Phase I of the project, if left unchecked, will result in:
The destruction of decades-old trees and mature hedges along GSB, in exchange for concrete
and asphalt.
The elimination or displacement of 150 palm trees newly planted by the City.
A wasteful commitment of resources to address a bicycle safety problem that does not exist.
Go to to learn more about the City’s ill-advised pile-on to the Beach Outfall Project, and
to submit a petition to the Members of City Council expressing your opposition to these ruinous
changes to GSB.
YOUR VOICE AND VOTE ARE NEEDED! The City will be holding a workshop on February 18 from 1:00 pm
to 5:00 pm at City Hall, where you can voice your concern on this topic. Help preserve the City of Naples
and retain the beauty of our iconic Gulf Shore Blvd.