Collier Board of County Commissioners, voted to place a one-cent infrastructure sales surtax referendum on the November 6, 2018 General Election ballot.
To learn more about the one-cent sales surtax the website is now live and available to the public.
The Sales Surtax will not be voted on in the August 28th primary. This allows you time to do the research on the one-cent infrastructure sales surtax referendum for the November 6, 2018 General Election.
Attached below is a list of the capital projects that will be funded by this sales surtax. The website is easy to navigate and offers useful information and can answers all of your questions. Please do not hesitate to call our office at 239-252-8604 if you need any help accessing the website or have any other questions.
I have provided a link to the website below.
Click here to access the website for the One-Cent Sales Surtax referendum
Mail-in ballots
The Primary Election is August 28th and the General Election is November 6th. Starting tomorrow Mail-in Ballots will be sent out.
If you have not sent for your Mail-in ballot just call 239-252-VOTE and request a mail-in ballot for both elections and any other information you might like.
You can also click on the link below that will take you to the Supervisor of Elections website.
Click Link for Collier Votes website
Please feel free to share this information.
Additionally, Collier County is continually updating their Facebook and Twitter pages (see attached links &